


We are a multi-corporate accelerator that seeks to drive the growth of startups that address the major challenges of industries and our planet. We aim to bring together the best startups and scale-ups, large companies, and impact investors to generate extraordinary value.

Energy Transition & Decarbonization.

Solutions that contribute to the gradual transition of the industry from the use of fossil fuels (gas, coal, oil) to the use of renewable energies and processes with higher energy efficiency. This includes for instance, process electrification, mobility and transportation, hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, energy storage in any form, among others.

Circular Economy

Solutions for an economic system that prioritizes the reuse, regeneration, and recycling or upcycling of materials and products as a means to reduce extraction. It also includes solutions that promote production in a continuous and environmentally sustainable manner, eliminating or reducing waste, discharges, residues, and pollution. Additionally, it involves circulating products and materials at their highest value.


Solutions that utilize renewable biological resources and biotechnological processes to produce sustainable goods, energy, and services. These solutions aim to create value-added products while preserving the environment and biodiversity.




Benefits of participating

Training and readiness.

We have an extensive network of trainers, experts, mentors, and coaches who will accompany the startups in their growth process and readiness for capital raising.

Consulting with experts on key topics that are most pressing for a startup.

We offer a pool of up to
20 hours with
senior expert consultants
who are part of Connect's
expert network.
These consultants specialize
in the prioritized topics
for each of the startups.

Capital raising

As part of the training program, a key component is preparing for capital raising. Upon completing this stage, Connect will support entrepreneurs in the process of seeking capital. This includes presenting selected startups to relevant partner funds and providing referrals to other funds.

Pilot projects, high-level networking, and commercial leads

One of the key pillars of the training program is
the high-level networking opportunities that entrepreneurs gain with the corporate entities within the network. As part of the process, there is the possibility of identifying specific needs or pilot projects to be conducted during the acceleration process in collaboration with these corporations.
The negotiation of the terms of these pilots, such as scope, pricing, intellectual property, and delivery method, will be discussed and agreed upon between the corporation entity and the startup. If necessary and agreed upon by both parties, Connect can provide support throughout this process.

Open Call

You can register your startup by filling out the following form. It is important to attach the following documents alongside your registration:

¿Who can participate?

Startups and scaleups from Latin America, or other parts of the world, that can demonstrate that the Latin America is a strategic market within their growth plans.

Those working on developing extraordinary solutions in ClimaTech

Those who have resolved technological issues and have a proven business model.

Those seeking to establish relationships with corporations as a lever for growth and value generation.



John Restrepo

+25 años de experiencia en innovación y emprendimiento.

+12 emprendimientos escalados.

Diana Gaviria

+11 AÑOS de experiencia en la red de innovación en Colombia.

+27 AÑOS de experiencia líderando proyectos de diferente envergadura

Tatiana León

+15 AÑOS de experiencia apoyando a emprendedores,

+7 AÑOS entrenando y promoviendo el relacionamiento de empresas y emprendedores.

Eloísa Vela

+6 AÑOS acompañando a emprendedores

+4 emprendedores acompañados